Banshee Brush.
Storyboard for my senior thesis film at California College of the Arts about a banshee mother teaching her daughter the power of banshee wailing.
Toadstool #3.
Third comic from my webcomic Toadstool on my Instagram @leifdodig, a slice of life series about a halfling named Toadstool.
Song of the Sea Fan Animatic.
An animatic of Song of the Sea's character Saoirse shifting into a seal as part of the #DrawCSinYourStyle tag.
Diane's Friend.
Storyboard about a young forager with a vengeance against the sun for making life so hard and a crush on the moon she struggles to confess.
Diane's Friend thumbnails.
Thumbnail boards for planning out my story Diane's Friend.
Oui Oui?
An autobio comic about meeting a fun young boy in a checkout line.
Gathering the Magic.
An autobio comic about my friend and I finding random Magic the Gathering cards scattered on the streets of Oakland.
Toadstool #4.
Fourth comic from my webcomic Toadstool on my Instagram @leifdodig, a slice of life series about a halfling named Toadstool.